Monday, July 29, 2019

Andre Kertesz, Oskar Schlemmer and Herbert Bayer photo analysis Essay

Andre Kertesz, Oskar Schlemmer and Herbert Bayer photo analysis - Essay Example The essay "Analysis of photos by Andre Kertesz, Oskar Schlemmer, Herbert Bayer" explores works of famous photographers such as Andre Kertesz, Oskar Schlemmer, Herbert Bayer. The Bayer's work was of seemingly a bloodless cement-like portion that’s broken away. The artist’s self-portrait as both amputee dispenses and classical sculpture with the view of the unitary self or considered to take a stand against the unrealistic Aryan body obtained in Nazi art or mass culture in the mid-1930s. The era in history of this particular picture is of the uneasy political climate and in one way or another affected the way in which artists such Herbert Bayer approached the human body. For instance, Herbert Bayer turned to Photomontage for subversive political impacts seen. To oppose psychic hygiene of the Fascist propaganda tool and the corporeal perfection, the artist uniquely created hybrid anatomies of arrangements that were animate, but just ambivalently so. Das Triadische Ballett popularly known as holds a preeminent place in the totality of Oskar Schlemmer’s work. Oskar Schlemmer based his prototypical figures on the discoveries and deeper understanding accumulated during the undertaking and conception of the figurines for the ballet. Through keen analysis the work is based on symphonic dance. What is more interesting is how the artist conceived the three dancers— two males and one female. The artistic work correlates with surrealist’s ideology that seeks to demolish contemporary society rules.

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